Friday, July 28, 2006


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Blogger Jaimie said...

This is quite striking and unique. I looked at some of your other pieces. I like your style a lot and added your site to my IF RSS feed.

10:07 pm

Blogger harmoniousjosh said...

Ditto. Very nice stuff.

1:59 am

Blogger Blake Himsl Hunter said...

nice piece, dark and moody

2:22 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

very dense, very dark, I'm liking your style.

5:34 am

Blogger Roy Blumenthal said...

Wow! This is definitely one that hits my instant-fave list! Phshew!

Hard, bold line. Very sensual treatment of the gal in the shower. And the water -- both line and colour -- is really very potent. She's being massaged by her shower.

At the same time, the blueness suggests cold, loneliness, bleakness. So while the power of the shower is vast and apparent, it could also be something negative.

Maybe this woman is washing away tears?

Lovely pic.

Blue skies

PS: I'm printing out the selection you made, plus one or two more. Check your email.

7:21 am

Blogger Tiger Mouse said...

Wow! This is great - really striking. I love the dark mood.

9:48 am

Blogger Lea said...

this is the third time i have been back to look at this....just love it...both the concept and the lovely was you've depicted of those peices that makes me go damn! i wish i thought of that..

10:01 am

Blogger carla said...

This is excellent in so many ways...the color, the mood, the linework, the various interpretive possibilities... I think this might be my favorite of yours so far. Wonderful work!

3:16 pm

Blogger georg said...

This is amazing! This is an image, which appeal to think - what is the story behind?

Your choice of colours is genial, underlines the atmosphere: blue, green, black: sad, death, crime?
the most unusual water is all around her, she will wash it away!

This is great!

11:59 pm

Blogger Kathy said...

love this. very powerful. great texture on the wall tile, too!!

12:39 am

Blogger Willie Baronet said...

Disturbing, eerie, wonderful!

1:12 am

Blogger HARDWAX said...

Clean isn't always easy I guess, no matter how much scrubbing we do. This piece is a real stunner, amazing work!

6:18 am

Blogger Dan said...

This is really great. NIce line, cool idea and great execution!

6:28 am

Blogger mel said...

very interesting piece! dark and mysterious. :)

12:31 am

Blogger Unknown said...

AWESOME design!

5:43 am

Blogger Mette said...

Wow, this was cool. I kept looking at it over and over. I really like the colors.

9:21 am

Blogger Unknown said...

Is it just me or is the water actually spider-web? This is not a style I usual like that much, but it is very intriguing nonetheless. Very well done and I have to agree with some other comments on the atmosphere that has been created here. Impressive overall.

2:02 am

Blogger Ian T. said...

Wow, this knocks me out with it's sheer narrative dexterity! The sense of contradiction - a dark, smothering, muddy looking shower - is only the beginning. What an accomplished composition and technique - how did you make this?

1:44 am

Blogger stephanie said...

I love your line work and color. I like how she is allowing herself to become consumed by the water.

6:33 pm

Blogger flossy-p said...

WHOA, there's something very Geiger about this; the colours and heavy tenticle-like lines. Amazing work!

2:36 am

Blogger fenris said...

thanks for the comments! much appreciated.

ian - i put a layer of oil pastel down first and then acrylics over the top, so i could scratch in and get that textured look for the background. theres black permanent marker on the top too, to get that dense darkness.

10:27 pm

Blogger Heartful said...

WOW. Intense. Love it.

4:48 pm

Blogger Franfou said...

wow it is so poignant !great style and ambiance !

4:44 pm


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